For the third time, the Swiss research institute Empa is awarding prizes to international projects that have been carried out with aerogel materials. Both renovation projects that have already been realised and planning projects by students from all over the world are awarded in two categories. Energy efficiency, the preservation of the historic appearance and the originality of the solution on the buildings are evaluated.
Our Aerogel high-performance insulating plaster was able to convince the expert jury all along the line, as the submitted entry by architects Hille Melbye and Kristin Jarmund from Oslo (Norway) achieved 3rd place thanks to the use of Fixit 222 insulating plaster. The "Skur 38" harbour building in Oslo, built in 1915, was refurbished and converted for two years (from 2020 to 2022) according to the principles of sustainability, energy efficiency, circular economy and the BREEAM NOR standard, and now forms the new heart of the Oslo harbour.